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  2. Academics - Current Students
  3. Completing Coursework in Brightspace

Brightspace Access Expired

If you try to access past coursework, you may get a notification that your Brightspace access has expired. 

  • Degree-seeking students retain access to the Brightspace LMS for 1 year after graduation.
  • Continuing education students retain access for 30 days after the trimester ends.

After access has expired, the only way to regain access to your past coursework is by registering for a future course. The LMS system is not designed for continuous, indefinite access to coursework, resources, or personal assignments. 

We recommend you save all coursework and assignments locally on your computer or in a personal cloud storage system. You may also save resources in your AOEU-issued Google Drive account, which is not affected by Brightspace access.

For more information, see 8.07 Records Retention in the catalog